Tides & Tales

Unwinging the Beginning!

Listen up! Here’s a tale that’s been tucked away, under me furthest feather.

October 1840 as I recall. The Dory, a ship known for its raucous captain commands, was preparing for its grandest venture yet. Amidst the clamor and commands, a secret slipped by unnoticed to the world above—a daughter of the sea, escaping alongside her parents.

Guided by the Kamchatka Sea’s favoring gale winds, the majestic Dory—a ship like no other, would rescue a daughter like no other.

From the Depths of Wisdom,

Your Pal, Slugtail the Misfit

Welcome, I’m Slugtail! The Enchantarian?

Don’t you know? I’m the librarian of the Library of Tales. Hidden in a place that no one knew how to enter if one could find it, beneath Guildhall this enchanted library holds guarded secrets and valued tales. Enchantarian comes from the two words “enchanting” and “librarian,” meaning a librarian who watches over magical and mystical artifacts and books of knowledge and undersea kingdom history.

Stop buy often as I pass along undersea kingdom stories.  

From the Depths of Wisdom,

Your Pal, Slugtail the Misfit